The Reschio Grand Hotel Extravaganza
July 28, 2023 - Reschio Estate
The Reschio Grand Hotel Extravaganza at Reschio - in Umbria - 28th and 29th July 2023
July 28, 2023
A family tradition comes of age, as the Bolzas together with their cousins, friends and some professional actors tread the boards for an especially written outdoor theatrical extravaganza that will be performed at Count Benedikt and Donna Nencia’s house. Drinks will be served prior to the curtain rising on a fun and whimsical family production full of music and mystery. All ticket sales will be donated to the Alsama Project to help young people growing up in war torn countries
Join the fun of a travelling caravan, a troupe of Reschio Players: the family, cousins and friends with a sprinkling of professionals to ensure high standards for this amateur production. Music, mystery, dance: an evening of entertainment and laughter to benefit the Alsama Project
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