January 2023
We Love A Family Christmas
To have the children together and our siblings too, all back at Reschio, with the fires burning bright. We set off on foot, down the cypress lined avenue, each holding a lit
candle. Past the stables and towards the castle. The evening mists rise from the walnut grove and the lights from the castle create a warm and welcoming glow shining up
above the rampart walls. It intensifies as we step over the threshold into the castle courtyard: candles, fires and all of the Palm Court is ablaze and music too will waft out
into the starlit night.
After Mass, we celebrate with those staying in the castle before walking home to a magical feast, all gathered together to dine on traditional dishes that have been
lovingly prepared. We just love the magic of Christmas and wish you and your family an enchanted holiday.

Things we love
Our monthly musings on the very best of Reschio