June 2021
We Love Our Natural Environment
It is magical to wake up to the noisy chatter of the dawn chorus, to hear tiny chicks eagerly awaiting tasty morsels and to walk through wild meadows with the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle and elderflower, while bees hungrily move through the wisteria. Deer, hare, porcupines and wild boar have their favourite habitat. Farmhouses, abandoned decades ago, with worn stones and fig trees rising to where the roof once was, are familiar landmarks for those on wild hacks.
For almost thirty years the Bolza family has protected Reschio’s natural environment, helping the wilderness creep back, encouraging the oak and chestnut trees and managing the forests, which now represent 66% of the Estate. Come and share our wild life, swimming in the lakes, dancing in the meadows and quietly watching the animals go about their day to day life.
Things we love
Our monthly musings on the very best of Reschio