September 2022
We Love Putting on a Show
We love producing theatre… different threads of the family gathered for a fortnight and unpacked their amazing skills. They have produced musicals for many years, even arranging a caravan to travel through Italy, performing in private palazzi along the way. All were transformed into thespians, theatrical producers, costume designers, lyricists, choreographers, musicians; even the children turned talent scouts, cajoling friends to join the troupe and deliver an ever more polished performance.
New words to familiar music and dance routines within the natural stage as the Bolza’s house provided the stunning backdrop. Early morning rehearsals ensured everyone was a stomping success and Reschio’s musical maestro, Sergio, had the cast pitch perfect.
Diluvial rain gave way to a rainbow just as the audience took their seats and the final applause competed with rolling thunder. We loved putting on a theatrical triumph for our Reschio Houseowners and can’t wait to do it all again next year.

Things we love
Our monthly musings on the very best of Reschio