May 2023
We Love The Month Of May
We love to celebrate spring and the arrival of May. Our meadows burst into bloom with the vibrant yellow of St. John’s Wort’s healing flowers, blood red poppies, the
tall purple flags of irises and the delicate white lace of Elderflower. It is hard to resist the urge to grab a basket to collect all the fragrant bounty and transform it into ruby red infused healing oil or cordials for summer picnics. Camomile is harvested for the Bathhouse’s special rituals and breakfast tisanes. Wild asparagus continues to poke its succulent heads through the undergrowth while other leaves and flowers are gathered to make the most delicious summer salads and, who can resist a ripe, sun warmed wild strawberry? Spring wheat stands tall and, as the wind ruffles its ears, it moves balletically across the field, like an ocean tossing a boat from one side to the other.
The swallows fly in from Africa, returning to their old nests high up in the masonry; the dawn chorus gets stronger from the safety of flowering hawthorn bushes. The plentiful winter rains have ensured that Reschio’s lakes are full to the brim and the streams trickle through the meadows providing water for animals around the estate. The deer shed their antlers and start to sprout new velvet growth, while the wild boars’ piglets lose the stripes from their “pyjamas”. We love that May signals so many new beginnings

Things we love
Our monthly musings on the very best of Reschio